GitHub StatConverter

Running StatConverter from sources

For the advanced users (Linux, usually) StatConverter can also be started from its source files.


The first step is to create a clone of the GitHub repository


Node.js needs to be installed, we recommend at least version 22 which we are using.


Then open a Terminal in the clone of the StatConverter directory, and type:

npm install


After Node.js will install all the necessary modules, type:

npm start

to start the application.


Build your own binaries


On Windows, users need to install the Microsoft Visual Studio Tools (we've installed the 2019 community version, especially the C++ build tools) and also Git, which also needs to be on the system PATH.


MacOS users need to install the XCode Command Line Tools (either from the entire XCode, otherwise the CLTs are sufficient). Do make sure to delete the build configuration for Linux, as MacOS is also Unix based.


In the Terminal, this command will produce the binary:

npm run dist


On Linux, you might need to delete the build configuration for MacOS, and the command is different:

npx electron-builder --linux --x64 --arm64